

北卡罗莱纳州立大学:C3和C3 Military连接

The NC State C3程序 是双重登记, dual-admission program that gives community college students a pathway to a four-year degree from NC State. 进入该课程的学生将在WCC和北卡罗莱纳州双重注册. 他们将获得服务, 学术顾问, 为两所学校提供财务援助建议和计划.

Students from low to moderate-income households who have completed high school or who have fewer than 30 credit hours of college work are eligible to apply for the program.

The C3 Military连接 program is tailored towards our active duty service members, 他们的配偶, 家属, 和退伍军人.


通过 野马的好处 倡议,WCC学生获得:

  • 保证被费耶特维尔州立大学录取.
  • 获得FSU成人学习者办公室的转学帮助/指导, 转移, 和军校学生成功完成30个学期
  • 豁免申请费


  • 必须保持累积GPA为2分.0或更高
  • 必须就读于以下副学士学位课程之一:
    • 文科副学士, 艺术副学士-教师预科, 理学副学士, 科学副学士-教师预备
  • Must complete a letter of intent to confirm your intention to enroll at FSU upon graduation from 澳门金沙棋牌游戏.


海盗的承诺 is a transfer program for students who are in their first year of coursework at their community college to attend special events, 接受咨询协助, 和支持,然后再申请ECU.


  • 在完成副学士学位后保证进入ECU (查看已批准的副学士学位列表)
  • 豁免ECU申请费
  • 专门的转会教练
  • 联合学术指导
  • 联合经济援助咨询
  • 符合资格购买ECU 1卡,可使用:
  • 访问ECU库
  • 访问 虚拟工作影子, ECU就业服务的虚拟工作坊系列
  • Participate in select campus activities including “invitation only” 海盗的承诺 events at ECU.
  • 而且更,更,更 学生事务

By participating you will have access to extensive resources geared to guide you through the transfer process at ECU.



下载“海盗承诺”信息表. (PDF)



卫斯理的作品 is a transfer program designed for community college students that are planning to continue their education at NC Wesleyan University. This pathway program guarantees admission for community college graduates who complete a degree in Associate of Arts (AA), 理学副学士或其他应用科学副学士.

Students who participate in 卫斯理的作品 will have access to 学术顾问 and financial aid counseling while attending a community college, 以及参加落基山NCWU主校区活动的机会.


  • Students can apply to a participating Community College and NCWU at the same time, 授予获得副学士学位和学士学位的途径.
  • Students can apply to NCWC Office of Adult and Professional Studies with NO application fees.
  • Students are guaranteed automatic acceptance upon successful completion of the AA/AS/AAS degree from a participating Community College.
  • Students will be provided a NCWC 卫斯理的作品 student identification card and will have access to events on the NCWC main campus in Rocky Mount.
  • Students will have joint 学术顾问 and financial aid counseling to maximize the savings offered when attending both participating Community College and NCWU.

查看更多信息和具体项目要求 卫斯理工作网站.


UMO承诺协议 allows a seamless transfer from specified WCC associate in applied science degree programs to the 芒特奥利弗大学 bachelor’s degree programs.


  • 会计与金融
  • 农业技术
  • 动物科学
  • 工商管理
  • 刑事司法
  • 幼儿教育
  • 应急管理
  • 人类服务
  • 可持续农业
  • 草坪草的管理

UMO will accept up to 60 credit hours from these programs when the student has a minimum grade point average of 2.0对4.0 scale.

The 特洛伊联盟伙伴关系 with 芒特奥利弗大学 offers a tuition scholarship for all former WCC students. 学费奖学金适用于UMO提供的所有学位.


The 北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿分校:路径

The UNC PathWays program will provide guaranteed access for students transferring between the North Carolina Community College System and the UNCW System. It is a pathway for guaranteed transfer admission to UNCW for students completing an AA, AS, AE, AATP, ASTP, 或者是北卡罗来纳州社区学院的AFA.


Students who are currently attending a partner community college and pursuing a transferable Associate’s degree (AA/AS/AE/AATP/ASTP/AFA) are eligible to join PathWays. Only students who are planning to apply as a transfer student are eligible for guaranteed admission. Dual-enrolled or early college students who plan to apply as first-year students are not eligible for PathWays.


  • 尽早获得转学资源,比如来自学校的量身定制的指导和建议 转学生成功协调员
  • 邀请参加特别研讨会和活动
  • 保证被转校生录取
  • 简化转帐申请程序及减免转帐申请费
  • 优先考虑转学奖学金


填写路径表格 报名参加这个项目. 报名表格全年开放, 所以没有最后期限, but we do encourage students to join PathWays within their first year at community college to receive the most benefit.



WGU北卡罗来纳, 一个在线, 非营利组织, 大学, is demonstrating its continued commitment to increasing access to affordable education by establishing a partnership with 澳门金沙棋牌游戏.

The institutions have signed an agreement that will provide WCC graduates and faculty with a five percent discount on WGU北卡罗来纳’s already cost-effective tuition of around $3,本科生每学期500美元.

The partnership also includes the announcement of the 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 Partnership scholarship program, 哪个提供最多2美元,000 in scholarships to students interested in transferring to 西部州长大学 (WGU).

“Our partnership with WGU北卡罗来纳 is a couple of steps beyond the typical articulation agreement,”医生说。. Thomas A. 小沃克.他是WCC的主席. “Not only does it enable 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 graduates to transfer coursework toward a bachelor’s degree, 但他们也可能获得学费折扣,并有资格获得奖学金. Its online platform puts dozens of degrees at students’ fingertips and this agreement will make it easier for them to take that next step and earn a bachelor’s degree.”

通过本协议, 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 graduates will utilize WGU’s 转移 Pathways program to ensure each transfer student’s associate degree aligns with WGU’s baccalaureate major and degree program offerings. WGU北卡罗来纳 offers 60 undergraduate and graduate degrees in the high-demand fields of business, 技术, 教育和保健, 包括护理.


通过我们与 国立大学, WCC学生可以:

  • 转移 to a 国立大学 baccalaureate degree program following completion of a WCC certificate or associate degree program.
  • 申请 成功转学奖学金. 奖金最高可达5000美元. Fifty percent of the award will apply to two courses within the first six months; with the remainder applied to the last two courses of the degree program.
